Judith Kaplan 1922

March 18, 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of Judith Kaplan becoming the first bat mitzvah. To explore this groundbreaking moment, Moore + Associates worked with her synagogue, SAJ: Judaism That Stands For All, and other partner organizations to create @JudithKaplan1922 on Instagram. Her Instagram Stories form a video journal set in New York City during … Read More

Fossil Fuel Flack

In 2022, a front group for fossil fuel companies and trade groups called New Yorkers for Affordable Energy was running ads to convince New Yorkers to oppose implementation of an ambitious climate law that will move New York State off of fossil fuels by 2050. The ads use scare tactics, claiming the law will force … Read More

Science Fair Nightmare

More than 100 Members of Congress deny the basic science of climate change, which is embraced by 97% of climate scientists. For these deniers, a school science fair is their worst nightmare. Young people overwhelmingly share scientists’ grave concerns about climate change and its affect on the world and their lives. Moore + Associates created … Read More

Essential Americans

The COVID pandemic introduced Americans to a new phrase: essential workers. These were the people who remained at work despite the dangers of COVID so critical services would continue to be provided. Moore + Associates, with support from the Becoming America fund at the Pop Culture Collaborative, and in partnership with groups like the National … Read More


In 2016, as Trump began to win Republican primaries, Moore + Associates, on behalf of Schlep Labs, was tasked with figuring out how to communicate the dangers of Trumpism to an electorate unused to authoritarian leaders. In partnership with a collection of top Broadway and Hollywood songwriters, we developed Chump, an anti-fascist musical comedy about … Read More

Fedoras For Fairness

In the spring of 2013, Moore + Associates launched Fedoras for Fairness, a campaign to leverage fashion and pop culture to galvanize mainstream support for immigration reform and inform the public about how our current laws were separating families and harming women and children. Working with legendary fashion photographer Albert Watson and well-known entertainers including … Read More

Planned Parenthood Presents:
Taking Care of Your “Pussy”

Who says educating people around women’s sexual health has to be awkward or boring? To expand Planned Parenthood’s online educational content we developed three episodes of a new series called: “Taking Care of Your Pussy.” Using playful, adorable cats as click bait and featuring the smart, hilarious Sasheer Zamata as narrator, this three part series … Read More

Not Paul Ryan

House Speaker Paul Ryan is an avid supporter of trickle-down economics, a discredited theory that claims tax cuts for corporations and the rich are the best way to help low wage workers and the middle class. This campaign, developed for the non-profit Civic Ventures, introduced Americans to Not Paul Ryan, who, unlike the real Paul … Read More

Women’s March

On January 21, 2017 millions of Americans showed up all over the country for The Women’s March. Led by women, it was the largest protest in U.S. history as people of all ages, races, genders, religions, and abilities came together. We created this video to help The Women’s March launch “huddles” as part of 10 … Read More

#ALLIN to Stop Bullying

Most people have been bullied or teased at some point in their life, or have witnessed it happen to someone they know. The song “All In” inspires people to join the fight against bullying, by helping people see difference differently. M+A launched “All In” during National Bullying Prevention Month after initiating a partnership with the … Read More