Featured Projects

#ALLIN to Stop Bullying

#ALLIN to Stop Bullying



Ava in the Hood

Ava in the Hood

Centre for Social Innovation

Centre for Social Innovation



Despot or Democracy?

Despot or Democracy?

Disarming Through Culture

Disarming Through Culture

Eifo George

Eifo George

Fedoras For Fairness

Fedoras For Fairness

Fossil Fuel Flack

Fossil Fuel Flack

Judith Kaplan 1922

Judith Kaplan 1922

Music For Change

Music For Change

Not Paul Ryan

Not Paul Ryan

Planned Parenthood Presents:
Taking Care of Your “Pussy”

Planned Parenthood Presents:    Taking Care of Your “Pussy”

Pop (Culture and Social) Justice: A Learning Exchange

Pop (Culture and Social) Justice: A Learning Exchange

Science Fair Nightmare

Science Fair Nightmare

The Most Interesting Woman In the World

The Most Interesting Woman In the World

What Could Go Wrong?

What Could Go Wrong?

Women’s March

Women’s March